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After Zhai Zhigang's success, why did he let his elder sister "shine" first? Two people share the same mother and son

Tech 2023-07-07 08:50:51 Source: Network

I also want to go to the moon to see it! Chinese astronauts have always been following the activities of manned lunar landings in various countries around the worldThis is the speech made by Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang at the World Moon Conference in June 2010.The most famous Chinese astronaut is Yang Liwei, the first person to fly in the sky

I also want to go to the moon to see it! Chinese astronauts have always been following the activities of manned lunar landings in various countries around the world

This is the speech made by Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang at the World Moon Conference in June 2010.

The most famous Chinese astronaut is Yang Liwei, the first person to fly in the sky. But people will also remember Zhai Zhigang, the Chinese astronaut who tried to exit the capsule for the first time in 2008.

At 16:41 on September 27, 2008, the "Shenzhou 7" began to carry out the extravehicular mission as scheduled, and this mission fell to Zhai Zhigang.

With the help of two comrades in arms, he slowly walked out of the cabin door and began to "stroll" in space.

Zhai Zhigang succeeded, and the first thing he did after his success was to call his elder sister and let her "shine" on him. All this was because they were like mother and son.

Rocket launch, Zhai Zhigang's "V" sign

On September 25, 2008, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center held a grand expedition ceremony.

Since the success of Shenzhou 5 in 2005, China's space industry has made great progress. The most important task of this expedition is to get out of the capsule and "walk" in space.

At nightfall, astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng also entered the Shenzhou. At this time, the Shenzhou was on the rocket, and the rocket was already on the string.

The launch center is conducting a final evaluation.

At 20:30, the launch platform slowly opened, and the combination of Shenzhou 7 and rocket aircraft attracted the attention of people all over the country under the light.

Time is slowly counting down, and the astronauts in the cabin are also making final preparations, waiting for the moment of flight.

They are all three, and this is their first official flight into space.

Before that, although we have experimented on the ground for thousands of times, we also learned about space from Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and others.

But after all, they are on their own, and they are more or less nervous.

Soon, Commander Zero began the countdown and finally issued the ignition command. For a moment, a strong sense of pushing the back struck, and the huge pressure made the three people's muscles tighten all over their bodies.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and the three of them successfully broke through the various layers of the space belt. The spacecraft flew step by step into the unknown space according to the preset program, disappearing from the sight of the world.

Soon, measurement and control institutions from all directions gathered the data to the control center, and good news kept coming.

At this moment, the three of them also saw the appearance of Mother Earth. The blue star appeared particularly beautiful in space, while the deep and dim space behind it seemed to be waiting for the arrival of humanity.

Zhai Zhigang seemed confident. He smiled and compared a "V" with his left hand. This scene was also sent to the control center by the turn signal.

Soon, the spacecraft signal was reconnected, and Zhai Zhigang also completed the report:

"Shenzhou 7 feels good!"

At this moment, it is finally possible to announce the successful launch of the spacecraft!

The next work, Zhai Zhigang three people began to prepare for the mission. When the spaceship was in orbit, Zhai Zhigang and Liu Boming also began to unseal and check the extravehicular Space suit, followed by training.

On the morning of the 27th, the Beifei Center conducted tests on the vital signs of the three individuals, and the results showed that everything was normal. Zhai Zhigang was also identified as the first person to leave the cabin.

He struggled to overcome the discomfort caused by weightlessness, tried to approach the cabin door upwards, and then forcefully pushed it open.

At 19:35, Zhai Zhigang flew over 9165km

He gestured back towards Liu Boming behind him, and then prepared to step out of the cabin. At this moment, a force came from the cabin door, sucking it out again and closing it.

There is a force of outward attraction

His voice was a bit muffled, and his panting intensified a lot. The ground control center listened and instructed:

Try again

Zhai Zhigang pulled again, and the cabin door was opened again. This time, the cabin door was hit by Zhai Zhigang to the predetermined 100 degrees, which also means that the step of opening the cabin door was successfully completed.

Then Zhai Zhigang stepped out of the cabin door. He fastened the safety hook on the exit handrail, then leaned out of the spaceship and appeared in front of the camera on the spaceship.

At this moment, we can finally announce to the world: "Space, the Chinese are here

But at this moment, a fire alarm suddenly came from inside the cabin, and everyone's hearts became tense for a moment.

They only had time to see Zhai Zhigang calmly turn around and grab the armrest, and then the picture became blurry and simulated.

At this time, the spaceship was running according to the original orbit, and Zhai Zhigang also knew about the alarm in the cabin. He tried to control his emotions and took a look at Liu Boming.

Both of them are from Northeast China, eating and sleeping together, and they got married and joined the training team on the same day. They have a strong understanding between them, and they don't need to say too much to understand each other's intentions.

Through his eyes, Liu Boming understood what Zhai Zhigang meant: if there is an accident, let the last scene become the last one seen by the Chinese people.

Fortunately, Jing Haipeng from the rear sent a message that the alarm system was false. A smoke detector failed in the vacuum environment, so the alarm occurred.

At this time, Zhai Zhigang and others also understood that there was no air in the vacuum and there was no condition for fire.

Soon, the ground control center again received the signal from the capsule, "The Orbital module is working normally!"

The picture also became clear again. The staff saw two astronauts: Zhai Zhigang and Liu Boming.

Under the control of Zhai Zhigang, the camera faces to the right, which is the direction of the earth. The earth was still bright, and people cheered excitedly.

Liu Boming handed Zhai Zhigang a five-star red flag, and Zhai Zhigang took it and waved it. At this moment, everyone in the control center was proud of the red flag.

Zhai Zhigang groped for the cabin and "walked" on the surface of the spaceship. He took out the solid lubricating material testing device on the cabin bulkhead, which was his task.

This seems simple to us, but in space, it is extremely difficult.

Liu Boming thought Zhai Zhigang's movements seemed uncoordinated, "his body obviously leans to the left", but Zhai Zhigang soon recovered.

But just as he was preparing to return to the cabin, Zhai Zhigang's left leg was wrapped by a belt connecting him. This sudden accident once again made the staff anxious for Zhai Zhigang.

Fortunately, Zhai Zhigang did not appear flustered. He calmly adjusted his legs to get rid of the entanglement and quickly returned to the cabin with the help of Liu Boming.

It took Zhai Zhigang a total of 19 minutes and 35 seconds from leaving the cabin to returning to the cabin, while the spaceship had been moving around the earth at a high speed.

In these 19 minutes and 35 seconds, the spacecraft has traveled 9165 kilometers. This also means that Zhai Zhigang has flown 9165 kilometers.

Zhai Zhigang has thus become a Chinese who "flies the highest and walks the fastest".

At this moment, people on the ground cheered, and everyone was proud of Zhai Zhigang and the achievements of the Chinese people. This includes Zhai Zhigang's family, especially his sister.

The "Shenzhou VII" flying mission was successfully completed. As soon as Zhai Zhigang returned to the ground, he called his sister and asked her to follow him.

In his opinion, his success is inseparable from the help of two people, namely his mother and sister.

Zhai Zhigang's mother and sister suffered a lot to cultivate Zhai Zhigang

Zhai Zhigang was born in 1966 in a poor village in Heilongjiang Province.

Both parents were genuine farmers. In that era of earning wages, parents worked in the fields every day to support their families without much rest time.

Zhai Zhigang would not have been born. There were several children in his family before him. It was Zhai Zhigang's father who said, "Eat less every day, and you can afford it." Zhai Zhigang's mother gave birth to him.

Although the father said so, in order to take care of this extra child, the parents can only spend more time on the fields, and even when others have already gone home to rest for a long time, they have not yet returned home.

When he got home, his parents fell down in bed to rest. Although Zhai Zhigang was small, his parents didn't have much time to take care of him.

During that time, it was Zhai Pengsu, who had already become a teacher for the people, who was taking care of his life, getting up in the middle of the night to tuck in his bedding and change diapers.

Although life is difficult, it can still be considered tolerable. But not long after, my father fell ill due to overwork.

My father fell ill, leaving only my mother as the labor force at home, while my sister Zhai Pengsu had already married, had a new home, and soon gave birth to a child.

Zhai Pengsu knew that the family was suffering. She thought that one child was to be taken care of, and the other two were to be taken care of, so she took Zhai Zhigang home to take care of him.

Under the care of his sister, Zhai Zhigang grew very well, and his feelings for his sister became more profound.

But Zhai Pengsu also has her own home, so she can't keep Zhai Zhigang as a younger brother all the time. Soon, at the age of five or six, Zhai Zhigang returned home to live with his parents.

Despite his mother's hardships, she has always supported the children's learning, which is why Zhai Pengsu became a teacher for the people.

But this also increases the burden on the family. Although my sister often helps, life has not improved, and tuition fees are often tight.

In order to make better money, they moved their family to the county town. My father has been bedridden for many years, while my mother is also getting older and unable to find a job.

So my mother set up a stall outside the cinema to sell melon seeds. The sensible Zhai Zhigang often went to the stall to help after school. The neighbors around liked the sensible child very much.

It's just that life is still hard. Zhai Zhigang's brothers and sisters are all at school again, and life is very stressful. At that time, Zhai Zhigang's achievements were not ideal, so he thought of dropping out of school.

He wants to drop out of school and come out to make a living, which can also reduce the burden on his family. But I didn't expect my mother to have a rare airway when she found out:

Listen to your mother! Study hard and don't let you drop out of school

After her sister Zhai Pengsu learned about this matter, she took her younger brother to her own home and went to school on her side.

With the help of his sister, who is relatively well-off, Zhai Zhigang calmed down to study.

Learning opportunities are not easy to come by, and he cherishes them very much, resulting in good grades. He is no longer the younger brother who asks his sister to buy snacks or small white shoes.

He became more sensible, took the initiative to help with household chores, and the relationship between siblings became stronger.

Thanks to my sister, Zhai Zhigang has been consistent for 23 years

Later, Zhai Zhigang was admitted to a local key high school. When his sister learned about it, she immediately sent tuition fees to his brother and told him to study hard.

Zhai Zhigang, who wanted to be strong, thought that his sister was not easy, so he sent it back. But my sister said seriously to this little brother:

You are still young, there will be plenty of opportunities to repay in the future. I hope to let my parents worry less, study well, and strive for a future

My sister has read books and knows the significance of reading for poor families. Zhai Zhigang also understood what his sister meant. She hoped that she could study wholeheartedly and not worry about money.

That's why Zhai Zhigang was selected by the Flight Academy in 1985.

Zhai Zhigang finally made a success, and his family was very happy. Zhai Pengsu, who was far away in Xianyang, was also very happy. Her brother finally made a success.

My father, who has been bedridden for years, rarely shines on this day. He always says to people:

My third son is going to fly a plane

After arriving at the Flight Academy, Zhai Zhigang studied harder and paid more attention to physical fitness. He was very grateful to his sister, who took care of him from childhood and made Zhai Zhigang's physical development very good, so that he could keep up with the pilot's training.

Zhai Zhigang trained every day in this way. He saved all the school subsidies and sent them home. Later, with his salary, he sent his sister a regular monthly salary to thank her for her early help.

In 1998, Zhai Zhigang was selected as an astronaut and became a member of the space training class. He trained with Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and others.

Here, his grades are not considered top-notch, but he always works hard. If he misses one selection, he prepares for the second one, and if he misses the second one, he waits for the third one.

The family were even more proud when they learned that he had become an astronaut. When they saw the deeds of Yang Liwei, the "space hero", they looked forward to what his brother could achieve.

Therefore, when Zhai Zhigang successfully returned to the ground in 2008 and was really achieving success, he also reported good news to his family at the first time.

His first phone call was to his sister Zhai Pengsu, asking her to follow him and "shine". For him, his sister is not only his sister, but also his "mother"!


In November 2021, the China Aerospace Administration released videos of 13 astronauts from Shenzhou washing up at the space station.

In the picture, Zhai Zhigang shows the special "wash free" shampoo for the space station to the audience, just as he did in 2008 when he was compared to "V".

It took Zhai Zhigang 10 years from being selected as an astronaut in 1998 to completing his achievements in "walking in space" in 2008, and another 13 years from 2008 to 2021 for Zhai Zhigang's Shenzhou XIII.

Zhai Zhigang has been learning and training for 23 years. The hardships he endured lay the groundwork for his achievements.

And this is a manifestation of the continuous self-improvement of every generation of astronauts and every generation of Chinese people.

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Tag: After Zhai Zhigang success why did he let his

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