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Astronaut Chen Dong has been undergoing closed training for 6 years, and the teacher has published a newspaper to search for and give birth to twin boys with his wife

Tech 2023-07-18 01:43:16 Source: Network

In 2016, the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft won the sky. After the fairing was thrown away, the commander Jing Haipeng asked Chen Dong:Are you feeling goodCurious about the vast starry sky, Chen Dong couldn't conceal his excitement and loudly replied:CoolAt that time, Chen Dong was still a novice in exploring the universe

In 2016, the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft won the sky. After the fairing was thrown away, the commander Jing Haipeng asked Chen Dong:Are you feeling good

Curious about the vast starry sky, Chen Dong couldn't conceal his excitement and loudly replied:Cool

At that time, Chen Dong was still a novice in exploring the universe. Six years later, he had become the dominant commander, carrying the "youngest crew in history" and taking off twice.

Chen Dong humbly said:Although it's my second time coming up, I still feel like a primary school student

On June 11, 2023, CCTV news reported that special astronaut Chen Dong was officially promoted to captain of the People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps.

Netizens are very optimistic about this highly approachable aerospace hero and have commented one after another:Believe Chen Dong, he will be the first person in China to land on the moon

Chen Dong, since you are favored by the country, it shows that you have this ability. With me at home, I will always support youThis is what Chen Dong's wife Wang Xiaoyan often says.

Chen Dong, who is not yet 50 years old, has already boarded space twice and become the captain of the astronaut team, with an unlimited future.

Chen Dong has a happy career, but when it comes to his family, especially his wife Wang Xiaoyan, he has an indescribable apology.

An old leader of Chen Dongjing introduced him to Wang Xiaoyan. At the moment of meeting, he was struck by his heart and realized the feeling of love at Love at first sight.

And Chen Dong, who has a tall and upright posture and a steady personality,It also left a very good first impression on Wang Xiaoyan.

Just because of work reasons, Chen Dong is unable to accompany his beloved girl like other boys, chatting passionately over the cold phone line.

Wang Xiaoyan is a reasonable girl who knows that Chen Dong is busy with work and never demands that he accompany her to go shopping and celebrate festivals like this.

She said:Knowing that you have me in your heart is enough

In order to help Chen Dong develop his career both physically and mentally, Wang Xiaoyan resolutely proposed to him.

Chen Dong, who has always been longing for his family, hesitated:Xiaoyan, if you want to think well, once you get married, we will get together less and get divorced more. You will have to take care of the elderly and children, as well as the whole family

From the moment I fell in love with you, I had a planXiaoyan replied simply.

So, a pair of mandarin ducks joined hands and entered the palace of marriage. Although there was no luxurious wedding procession or grand wedding ceremony, Wang Xiaoyan felt very satisfied.

On the morning after marriage, the couple woke up early,Because this day is the day when Chen Dong returns to the team for training.

Wang Xiaoyan was not dissatisfied or complained, but only reminded her lover to take care of herself.

In the second year after Chen Dong joined the astronaut team, Wang Xiaoyan became pregnant. In order to prevent Chen Dong from being separated, she went back to her hometown in Jiaxing.

Friends and family asked in confusion:Why doesn't your lover come and let you raise your own baby

He is busy with work and has no time,Wang Xiaoyan smiled and said. She certainly cannot reveal to anyone that her husband is training for space travel.

In October, Wang Xiaoyan gave birth to a pair of twin boys and named them Junyu and Shiyu.

Until the child's full moon, Chen Dong hurriedly returned to Jiaxing, and his wife had no complaints.

Mr. Chen Dong said:Astronaut families also have 'four special things': they are very capable of carrying the burden, and the care of the elderly and children at home is entirely borne by their partner; they are very tolerant, and they have a small problem or illness at home, and they never tell us about it. They all rely on themselves to bear it; they are very capable of' procrastinating ', and because the training schedule is very full, they want the whole family to go shopping or have a meal together, always' next time'; and there is also a 'special support' from the whole family, not only from their father The mother and lover provide full support, and the child is also very sensible

Chen Dong's wife was in poor health and couldn't take care of her two children on her own. Therefore, she sent her second son back to Jiaxing and handed him over to her parents for upbringing.

Once, my youngest son called Chen Dong and cried, saying:Dad, don't you want me anymore! My home is not here, it's in Beijing! Can you pick me up

Chen Dong really wanted to fly to Jiaxing immediately, but as he was about to embark on a mission, he could only sob and say to his son:Baby, be good. Dad will pick you up in a few days

When Chen Dong fulfilled his promise, it was already more than half a year later. According to his imagination, the child should have jumped into his arms excitedly, but the child stood in the same place, appearing very dull.

Chen Dong said with remorse:I am not a competent father

Along the way, Chen Dong met many distinguished people.

In 1978, New China ushered in a major transformation,The magnificent reform and opening up has opened the curtain.

This year, Chen Shulin, an employee of China Aluminum Copper Corporation Luoyang Company, was particularly happy because his family had welcomed the birth of a second life.

Because the child was born in the snowy winter, Chen Shulin immediately named him Chen Dong.

Chen Shulin and his wife Huang Yan would not have thought that the gear of the family's fate would start to rotate due to this starving baby, let alone that their own child would become the pride of the entire Luoyang, Henan, and China.

Chen Dongsheng is lively and loves swimming and basketball,And he loves to make friends, basically all children of his age love to play with him.

Of course, Chen Dong's mischievous behavior has also caused trouble.

One day in third grade, a truck of vegetables was piled up on the small playground in the school cafeteria. Unexpectedly, this place became a playground for Chen Dong and his classmates.

After school, he and his friends jumped up, jumping fiercely and littering with vegetable leaves, causing a lot of trouble.

After seeing it from a distance, the teacher hurried over:Chen Dong, what are you doing

Chen Dong realized that he had caused a big disaster and lowered his head in shame.

But Teacher Yang did not criticize him harshly, but gently said:The teacher knows that you were unintentional, but in this way, the food the teacher eats will be gone. In the future, you should think more about everything for others

After learning about it, the school wanted to punish Chen Dong severely, but Teacher Yang took the initiative to take responsibility, not only pleading for Chen Dong, but also helping him compensate for the vegetables.

It is said that parents are the best teachers for children. In fact, this is not because Chen Shulin did not educate Chen Dong well, but because he was too busy with work and knew that his son's nature was not bad, believing that the tree was big and straight.

Of course, Chen Shulin's education of his son was also very successful,It can be said that he was an enlightener on Chen Dong's military journey.

Chen Shulin, who is the same age as the Republic, often watches some patriotic films such as Three Battles of the Liberation War, Shangganling, and Tunnel warfare.

Every time he watches a movie, Chen Shulin calls his two sons over.

Watching the heroes who fought with blood on the battlefield, Chen Dong's respect came to him. His eyes were firm and he said:Dad, I will also become a soldier in the future

Alright! Dad supports you! You study hard and get into a military academy. If you don't pass, just sign up to join the armyChen Shulin encouraged with relief.

From then on, Chen Dong planted a seed of military service in his young heart.

In school, there is Teacher Yang's motherly care; At home, influenced by his father's influence, Chen Dong seemed to have completed his transformation overnight.

At the age of 13, Chen Dong smoothly entered junior high school. Fortunately,He met another good teacher - Yao Zhiqiang.

Chen Dong's academic performance is very good, always ranking among the top at the beginning, and his popularity is also good. He became a class monitor during his first selection, and this job lasted for six years (junior high school consecutive).

Yao Zhiqiang attaches great importance to the comprehensive development of children. He not only teaches well in class, but also frequently organizes extracurricular activities such as picnics, tug-of-war, table tennis, and playing football with them.

Driven by Teacher Yao, Chen Dong became a sports expert,He often achieved rankings at sports meetings and was also a key defender of the football team.

In Chen Dong's second year of high school, a senior who was admitted to the Flight Academy returned to give a speech.

The senior vividly narrated the joy of driving a fighter jet and chasing dreams in the blue sky, with pride and pride in his eyes.

Chen Dong was greatly touched and approached Yao Zhiqiang:Teacher, what are the requirements for applying to the Flight Academy? Do you think I can handle it

Yao Zhiqiang advocates encouraging education, and he advocates making friends with students, so everyone is willing to chat with him if they have anything to say.

After listening to Chen Dong's words, Teacher Yao stood up from his seat, patted his shoulder, and smiled, saying:Why can't you

So, Teacher Yao introduced the requirements for applying to the Flight Academy to Chen Dong, urging him to exercise his physical fitness and pay attention to protecting his eyesight when he returned home.

From that day on, whenever there is a holiday, Chen Dong will run around the town with his father Chen Shulin's company. After running, the father and son will compete in the horizontal bar.

Of course, Chen Dong's cultural classes have not fallen behind either,I have always been one of the best in the class.

In 1996, the Flight Academy began enrollment work, and the father and son got up and went to Jinan for a medical examination.

That was Chen Dong's first time taking a train, and it was also Chen Shulin's first time.

In fact, besides wanting to soar in the blue sky, Chen Dong has another reason to apply for military academy - it's free.

At that time, Chen Dong's brother was attending college, and based on his family's income level,It's really tight to support another college student.

So, Chen Dong made up his mind to pass the exam, not only to fulfill his dreams but also to lighten the burden on his family.

The results of the physical examination were not ideal. Regarding Chen Dong's vision assessment, one doctor's conclusion was 0.9, while the other doctor's conclusion was 1.0.

For the sake of safety, the conclusion given to Chen Dong's physical examination report is that his vision is 0.9, which is 0.1 away from the qualified visual acuity standard.

However, Chen Dong's cultural class was very impressive, with a good score of 620 in the exam.

After learning about it, the principal of his high school accompanied Chen Dong and his son to visit the comrade in charge of enrollment.

The admissions comrades looked at Chen Dong's college entrance examination results and did not want to lose this talent, saying:It must be that the intensity of the college entrance examination review has greatly affected vision, which is temporary

In the end, Chen Dong was rejected due to the 0.1 difference.

In 1997, Chen Dong, accompanied by his father, came to the place that changed the fate of his family: Air Force Aviation University on Southeast Lake Road in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

Before leaving, Chen Shulin said:Son, you're going to become a pilot and haven't taken a plane yet. Let me buy you a ticket! So.

The sensible Chen Dong, knowing that his family is not easy, smiled and advised:It's okay! I'll have plenty of opportunities to fly in the future

The militarized management of campus life is not easy for Chen Dong.

When he first started school, Chen Dongdi's blanket was the worst in the class, and the class leader, who hated the iron and steel, threw the blanket directly onto the hallway.

Chen Dong was ashamed and couldn't help but find a crack in the ground to penetrate.

The instructor said:It may seem like folding blankets, but in fact, it is the tempering and cultivation of the will and style of soldiers, the first step towards transforming from ordinary people to soldiers

From then on, whenever Chen Dong had free time, he would study the square quilt in the dormitory.

There are many talented people in Changchun Aviation School, and Chen Dong's physical performance is not outstanding. He needs to run 5 minutes and 10 seconds to pass the 1500 meter race,

But Chen Dong has to run for 7 minutes.

Years later, recalling this past, Chen Dong still vividly remembers:"I remember blowing the assembly call at 6:30 every morning. I got up at 6:00 to practice more. I had to tie sandbags on my legs and practice Push-up after turning off the lights at night. Otherwise, I could not catch up with everyone. Three months later, my physical strength was improved and my weight was reduced by 10 kg."

As the saying goes, diligence can make up for weakness. With day after day's perseverance, Chen Dong's physical fitness changed from being at the bottom to being at the top. In 2001, he successfully graduated from the aviation school and went to a certain air force department in Jiaxing, Zhejiang to become a fighter pilot driving the "Strong Five" fighter jet.

The difference between a fighter jet and a fighter jet is that the former attacks the ground and flies as low as possible; The latter is an air attack that must fly high.

So,Chen Dong has always wanted to become a fighter pilot.

In 2003, the news that Yang Liwei took Shenzhou 6 spaceship to travel in the sky completely changed Chen Dong. The fighter plane can only be in the atmosphere, while the spaceship can go straight to space.

In 2009, Chen Dong participated in the second batch of astronaut selection physical examination. To Chen Dong's surprise, his interviewer was Yang Liwei.

Yang Liwei asked him:To become an astronaut, you have to face greater risks, put in more effort, and cannot take care of your family. Will you persist

Chen Dong answered without hesitation:I want to become a member of the astronaut team and the tallest person in China to fly. To achieve my dream, I am willing to pay for it

In this way, Chen Dong was brought into the team of astronauts by his idol.

In May 2010, Chen Dong, Liu Yang, Wang Yaping and other seven pilots officially became the second batch of astronauts in the crew.

The training of astronauts is strictly confidential, and every word cannot be disclosed to the public. It is also easy to contact relatives and friends.


Memories of Chen Dong:Rotating chair training is my weakness. At the beginning, I would sweat and feel dizzy every time I finished rotating. In order to exercise my vestibular function, I bought a computer chair that can rotate. Whenever I have time, I sit on it and push myself to rotate

What makes Chen Dong even more difficult is the psychological adaptability training in a narrow environment. He must stay up for 72 hours in a simulated training area of only 7 square meters.

People must sleep, even though astronauts such as Chen Dong have strong psychological qualities, it is inevitable that drowsiness will strike.

Especially between three and four o'clock in the morning is the most exhausting.Although my mind is clear, my eyelids are always fighting.

However, this training was a group of three, and Chen Dong suggested that everyone take turns singing and telling stories. Finally, with the cooperation of team spirit, everyone passed this agonizing training.

Compared to drowsiness, what impressed Chen Dong the most was the adaptive training for overweight endurance, where each overload reached 8 grams, which is 8 times the weight of the human body.

Chen Dong told reporters:At the beginning of training, you will feel a big mountain pressing tightly against every inch of your skin and every cell,

Even organs have a sense of displacement. I didn't cry, but tears would be thrown out uncontrollably

This is not only a physical test, but also a test of psychological endurance.

There is a red button next to the seat, once pressed, the training will immediately stop, but this also means the end of the dream of exploring the universe.

It is precisely with these six years of hard training that Chen Dong has become today.

It is worth mentioning that due to closed training,Chen Dong has not been in contact with his mentor Yao Zhiqiang for many years.

Yao Zhiqiang asked Chen Dong's parents that the two elderly people were also unaware. Yao Zhiqiang thought his beloved had disappeared, so he was so anxious to search in the newspaper.

It wasn't until Yao Zhiqiang saw Chen Dong on TV that he let go.

In summary, behind anyone's success, there is an unforgettable growth experience. It is these unforgettable experiences that have created the aerospace hero Chen Dong, whom everyone praises.

Believe in the future,Chen Donghui led Chinese astronauts into new glory.

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