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Buy back 1000 Stepper? After the US Canada code ban measures, the losses of foreign media: ASML cannot be estimated

Tech 2023-07-20 19:28:16 Source: Network

I hope you can follow it before clicking, so that you can have a better experience. Thank you all!The brilliance of dawn and the unveiling of the curtain, every action on the international stage demonstrates endless changes and clever strategic gameplay

I hope you can follow it before clicking, so that you can have a better experience. Thank you all!

The brilliance of dawn and the unveiling of the curtain, every action on the international stage demonstrates endless changes and clever strategic gameplay.

In the current complex international situation, a sensational news like a volcanic eruption has stirred up ripples and quickly attracted global attention.

This is a hot news about strategic exchange and geopolitical restructuring, and this shocking move seems to herald the opening of a new chapter on the world stage.

Message 1; Kerry finally made the bottom line. This time, the Chinese side gave him a step down and even made a request on the spot

US President John Kerry's special envoy on climate issues recently visited China and held talks with China's special envoy on climate change affairs, Xie Zhenhua.

This meeting demonstrated China's firm stance and strong response, and expressed sincere cooperation with Kerry.

Although Kerry previously refused to fulfill the climate change compensation agreement, China is still willing to promote cooperation on global climate governance and sustainable development through frank cooperation.

The meeting was held in Beijing Hotel, which is different from the conventional Great Hall of the People, causing speculation.

China's move may imply a cautious attitude towards the expected outcome of this meeting, but it also demonstrates China's sincerity and desire to continue dialogue.

The draft released by the Chinese side is brief and does not disclose specific details, which may reflect China's cautious attitude towards the United States.

Kerry previously publicly refused to provide climate change compensation to developing countries at the COP27 summit, which has sparked dissatisfaction from China.

Therefore, China remains cautious about this meeting and hopes that Kerry can demonstrate sincerity and promote substantial progress in climate change cooperation.

On the Political status of Taiwan, the Chinese side has shown a firm position, stressing that the United States should adhere to the one China principle and properly handle the Political status of Taiwan.

This reflects China's resolute defense of the country's core interests.

China's demand for developed countries to take the lead in reducing emissions and fulfilling financial commitments may be a response to Kerry's attitude on climate change.

China hopes that the United States can cooperate in good faith and jointly address global challenges.

Although the talks were full of challenges, China demonstrated a strong stance in addressing them.

China is willing to establish a frank and cooperative relationship with the United States to jointly promote global climate governance and sustainable development.

During Kerry's visit to China, China's attitude demonstrated its high importance and proactive response to climate change issues, making contributions to global environmental protection.

The climate change cooperation between China and the United States is a complex and sensitive issue that requires both sides to work together to seek consensus.

I hope that Kerry can demonstrate sincerity during this visit, work together with China, and make greater contributions to the global environmental protection cause.

Through honest cooperation, we work together to achieve the resolution of climate change issues and promote the goal of global sustainable development.

China and the United States share responsibilities in cooperation and help build a better future.

Message 2: A large-scale beheading operation is being carried out on the Russo Ukrainian battlefield, with senior Ukrainian military officials being targeted and patriots becoming a joke

The war between Ukraine and Russia has entered a year and a half, with both sides deadlocked.

Ukraine is constantly requesting global support in an attempt to bring NATO and other countries into the fray, while Russia is watching the changes during the war and preparing for a beheading operation against the Ukrainian leadership.

Recently, Ukraine carried out a military attack on the Crimean Bridge, and Russia immediately responded by launching an air attack on the Ukrainian unmanned speedboat base.

Although the Crimean Bridge was only slightly damaged, this action angered Putin, and the Russian Ministry of Defense is preparing countermeasures.

The attack in Ukraine seems to have touched the bottom line of Russia. According to Mass media in Russia, Putin said that the attack on the Crimean Bridge meant the end of the trial.

Russia has decided to stop tolerance based concessions and may take beheading actions against high-level officials in Ukraine, targeting key figures such as Zelensky, Zaluzhne, and Budanov.

The implementation of the beheading operation requires accurate intelligence collection, and Russia must obtain information on the whereabouts, communication, social interaction, and lifestyle of high-level Ukrainian leaders, so its security measures are extremely strict.

Russia may use the latest Su-57 stealth fighter jets to carry out precision strike missions.

The war has brought great troubles to the people of Ukraine and Russia.

Countries around the world are closely monitoring the development of the situation and hoping to find lasting solutions.

At this tense moment, frank dialogue and cooperation will become the key to solving the problem.

All parties need to avoid taking extreme actions and work together to promote global peace and stability.

Although the current situation of the war in Ukraine is complex, all countries should work together to alleviate conflicts, find ways of dialogue and compromise, and bring peace and stability to the region and the world.

By building trust and reducing hostilities, Ukraine and Russia are expected to move towards reconciliation and contribute to global security and prosperity.

Message 3: Spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The UK's move is a "loss of conscience"

Recently, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova made a strong comment on the anti Russian sanctions imposed by the UK on Russia, calling it a "blatant display of hypocrisy".

London has imposed restrictive measures on many Russian citizens and organizations, including sanctions against the Alcech International Children's Center, Education in Russia's Minister of Education Kravzov, and Minister of Culture Liubimova.

Zaharova criticized London for attempting to cover up its illegal unilateral sanctions by "protecting children" and pointed out that the targets of sanctions are those directly involved in rescuing and assisting children from special military operation zones.

From the perspective of the Chinese side, we should understand the views of the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Firstly, these sanctions seem to have to some extent unfairly placed real child aid agencies and personnel involved, which may have a negative impact on child rescue and assistance work.

Child assistance is a pure and noble cause that should not be confused by politics and sanctions.

Restrictive measures on child assistance institutions may weaken their abilities and resources, limiting their opportunities to assist more children.

Secondly, the criticism from the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed to the dual standards of the UK on this issue.

Although the UK claims to 'protect children', it continues to provide lethal weapon systems to the Kiev regime in Ukraine, including shells and missiles that cause casualties and disabilities.

The contradiction between superficial concern and actual action raises questions about its true motivation.

From the perspective of China, we hope that all countries can treat international affairs objectively and fairly, avoid using double standards, and take practical actions to maintain global peace and stability.

In the current complex and ever-changing international situation, honest and frank dialogue and cooperation are the key to solving problems.

I hope that all countries can abandon hypocrisy and political calculations, jointly promote the healthy development of international relations, and make positive contributions to global peace and stability.

At the same time, for humanitarian causes such as child assistance, countries should work together, abandon political intervention, cooperate and build together, and take it as their own responsibility to benefit children around the world.

Only in this way can we jointly create a better future.

Not the United States

The Political status of Taiwan has always been the focus of attention at home and abroad, involving cross-strait relations.

The international community should maintain an objective and just stance and support China in maintaining national unity and territorial integrity.

Education and cultural exchange are important means to eliminate historical misunderstandings and biases, strengthen cross-strait identity and common values.

Peaceful dialogue and cooperation are the way to achieve the final settlement of the Political status of Taiwan and bring a bright future to the people of Taiwan and compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

Political status of Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. The Taiwan question involves China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The international community should respect China's position and propositions.

China adheres to the position of peaceful reunification and is willing to resolve the Political status of Taiwan through dialogue and consultation, but will never tolerate any form of separatism.

We will continue to promote the harmonious development of cross-strait relations and provide more opportunities and well-being for our compatriots in Taiwan.

In the process of solving the Political status of Taiwan, we should adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit and respect the will and interests of the Taiwan people.

We welcome the constructive role of the international community in promoting peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait, but at the same time, we hope that it can maintain an objective and fair stance and not interfere in China's internal affairs.

In general, the settlement of the Political status of Taiwan is a complex and sensitive task. China will adhere to the principle of peaceful development, equality and mutual benefit, promote the harmonious development of cross Straits relations through dialogue and consultation, and bring a better future to the people of Taiwan and compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

Message 5: Buy back 1000 Stepper? After the US Canada code ban measures, the losses of foreign media: ASML cannot be estimated

Recently, the implementation of the US Japan Netherlands tripartite Stepper agreement has aroused widespread concern in the global technology industry.

The implementation of this agreement demonstrates the resolute attitude of Western countries towards technological sanctions, while also having a serious impact on China's semiconductor equipment supply chain and production lines.

However, this event also provides new opportunities for China's independent technological innovation.

ASML and Nikon announced that on July 23 and September 1, they would cut off the supply of dozens of Stepper and semiconductor products, leaving only the 1980Di Stepper and old products to the Chinese market.

This move has directly affected the stable development of China's Semiconductor industry, making China face the challenges of supply chain disruption and technology stagnation.

As an important participant in global technology manufacturing, China urgently needs to promote the process of localization and localization to reduce dependence on foreign technology.

In the short term, the pressure faced is indeed the rupture of the industrial chain and the shortage of technology, but in the long run, this is also an opportunity to strengthen independent innovation in technology.

China has already achieved self-sufficiency in some processes and is accelerating the localization process of 28nm processes.

This indicates that China's technology industry is moving towards a more independent and sustainable direction.

Although the supply cut-off measures have had a certain impact on China's industrial chain, Chinese technology enterprises are constantly seeking new technological cooperation and domestic technological breakthroughs to cope with external challenges.

In addition, China also needs to continue to strengthen its technological innovation capabilities.

Encouraging deeper cooperation among scientific research institutions, universities, and enterprises, improving the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements, and cultivating more scientific and technological talents are important measures to promote independent innovation in science and technology.

The competition and cooperation in the global technology industry are inevitable, and the tense relationship between China and the United States in technology is also a reality that must be faced.

When facing external sanctions and challenges, China needs to respond with an open attitude and pay more attention to internal independent innovation and development.

In general, the challenges behind the Stepper agreement have also brought opportunities to China.

In the global technology competition, China needs to maintain a calm response, strengthen its independent innovation capabilities, stabilize the supply chain of industries, and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China's technology industry.

At the same time, it is also necessary to continue to maintain open communication with international partners and jointly promote the progress and development of the global technology industry.

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