China Today's Top News: Long March 7A Successfully Launches Zhongxing 4A Satellite, iQiyis Q2 Earnings Strong, Low-altitude Economy Industry Gearing Up
China Today's Top News: Long March 7A Successfully Launches Zhongxing 4A Satellite, iQiyis Q2 Earnings Strong, Low-altitude Economy Industry Gearing UpToday is Friday, August 23, 2024. Let's review the major news stories that happened in China today...
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IQiyi has been criticized for being on the hot search again
Everyone said,The purpose of technological innovation is to promote social progressThen provide better services for people, such as reducing usage barriers, costs, and so on.butThe innovation and evolution of television is definitely an exception...
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The episode is limited to free intermediate clip fees! IQiyi: Usually, the first two episodes are limited and the rest are limited according to the situation. Netizens: Are video software so speechless now?
China Economic Weekly - Economic Network News Recently, a netizen posted an article stating that some TV dramas are limited and free, and there are mixed fees in the concentration rooms of TV dramas on video platforms such as iQiyi and Tencent Video.In response, iQiyi stated that the popular film is a VIP video resource, and usually the first two episodes are subject to long-term exemption...
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