C++Linux Server Architect Learning Path (Tencent T9 Certification)
3-81-35- -8C/C++, Linux, Nginx, ZeroMQMySQL,Redis, fastdfs MongoDB ZKCDNP2P K8SDocker,TCP/IPDPDKLinuxC/C++1cfsBB+BBBBB+B+B+B+HashBloomFilterbitmaphashhashhashhash 2C++3C++C++stIatomicthread_ local condition_ var iableexception ptrerror. categorycoroutinelamdaatomicthread_ loca |condition_ var iableexception_ ptrerror_ categorycoroutineC++Linux4LinuxMakefi le/ cmake/conf igureMakefilemakeMakefilemakeMakefileMakefileconf iguremakefilecmakegitgitgitLinuxipcsLinuxupt imeCPUiostatsarmpstatpmapnmonLinuxglancesstraceftpftptoppowertopmysqlmytophtop/top/atopLinuxnetstatethtooltcpdumptelnetiptrafiftop1:zvnetioioepollkqueue ()socket...
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Why are domestic operating systems based on Linux modifications and not fully self-developed?
To be honest, although Windows+MacOS has monopolized the domestic PC market, there are still many domestic systems, such as Hongqi Linux, Tongxin UOS, and Kirin software.However, there is one phenomenon that everyone has not noticed, which is that there are many domestic operating systems with different characteristics...
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Attention! The Linux version of Akira ransomware for VMware ESXi servers
Akira ransomware uses Linux encryptors to encrypt VMWareESXi virtual machines, thereby conducting dual ransomware attacks on global enterprises.Akira first appeared in March 2023, targeting Windows systems in multiple industries such as education, finance, real estate, manufacturing, and consulting...
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Chapter 03- Linux Common Commands
02-vmwarecentos7shellshell(kernel)shell-2-1-2-1shellshellshellshellshellBourne Shell/usr/bin/sh/bin/shBourne Again Shell/bin/bashC Shell/usr/bin/cshK Shell/usr/bin/kshshell[root@cdphost ~]# echo $SHELL/bin/bashLinuxman[root@cdphost ~]# man lsreboot[root@cdphost ~]# rebootshutdown[root@cdphost ~]# shutdownlsls [] []ls-l-a-A....
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