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Make American fighter jets unable to fly! China starts a counterattack, foreign media: this is more serious than chips

Tech 2023-07-14 12:15:44 Source: Network

followThe hostility of the United States towards China has been ongoing for many years, only because the United States has always believed that China's economic development will inevitably affect its interests, and even threaten its hegemonic position. However, because China has always adhered to an independent and independent development path, although it needs to learn from advanced countries such as the United States in many fields, its dependence is not high


The hostility of the United States towards China has been ongoing for many years, only because the United States has always believed that China's economic development will inevitably affect its interests, and even threaten its hegemonic position. However, because China has always adhered to an independent and independent development path, although it needs to learn from advanced countries such as the United States in many fields, its dependence is not high. Therefore, in recent years, although the United States commissions have been exhausted, The restrictive effect on China's economy is not very obvious, and the Chinese economy is still developing steadily and healthily, which is also what makes the United States very angry.

In the past half century, the United States has used its hegemonism to do whatever it wants in the world. Every time the United States wants to do something, it is always very smooth, such as restricting the development of Japan's Semiconductor industry, cracking down on Japanese high-tech enterprises, and starting some French high-tech enterprises, These are all because the United States wants to maintain its monopoly position in the high-tech semiconductor industry. However, this hegemony of the United States has not been very smooth here in China. Although the United States has also taken the same very strict sanctions measures against Huawei in China, under the shadow of this darkness, Huawei still broke through its cocoon and insisted on making its own chips.

The more tenacious and unyielding China is, the more endless are the means of the United States. Not only do they limit the development of China's high-tech industry in all aspects, but they also unite with other countries in the world to exert pressure on them, hindering China from learning from these countries and cooperating with them in this field. Under pressure from the United States, many countries have implemented export controls on China's high-tech products, completely blocking cooperation between China and these countries. If China wants to develop and break through in the field of semiconductor high-tech, it can only rely on its own strength.

These actions by the United States and Western countries are completely commercial discrimination and have obvious targeting, which is very unfair to China. In view of this, China must also respond. In order to protect our natural resources and extend their extraction and use time, China has decided to impose export controls on some rare resources, including rare earths, gallium metals, and germanium metals. As soon as China's news is released, Western countries will not calm down immediately, Various objections were raised.

China has always been the largest exporter and country with the highest reserves of gallium and germanium metals. These two metals are also important materials for manufacturing semiconductor high-tech products. Once China imposes export controls on these two metals, it means that the production of high-tech products in the United States and Western countries will be greatly affected, which will have a very adverse impact on the entire industry. Originally, these countries imported these raw materials from China at lower prices and then manufactured high-tech products to sell to China at high prices. Because our technology is not as good as others, we have never objected to any higher prices.

However, nowadays, even if they want to use our materials and do not want to export products to us, there is no need for us to provide more materials. After all, there is a mutually beneficial relationship between countries, and China has suffered unfair treatment in this process, so we naturally have the right to retaliate. And although China currently has the world's largest reserves of these two metals, based on current mining and usage, they will be completely depleted in less than half a century. Therefore, China has indeed implemented export controls from the perspective of protecting China's rare resources.

In this export control list, there is also a very important rare resource for the West, especially the United States, which is rare earth resources. Rare earth resources are widely used in the military field, and the production and manufacturing of aircraft, rockets, and these are inseparable from rare earth resources. Without rare earth elements, American aircraft cannot even operate. In addition, a nuclear submarine needs a large amount of rare earth resources to launch, and a nuclear submarine wants to launch, At least 4 tons of rare earth are required. The fighter jets that the United States is proud of must rely on rare earth resources to be produced.

After China's export control measures on these resources were implemented, the senior management of the United States was very shocked. They were very clear about what China meant by doing so, but the United States still couldn't let go of its high posture and threatened the relationship between China and Russia, saying that if China and Russia cut off diplomatic relations, the United States would consider restoring relations with China. The United States is proud of this, It is completely unclear how to maintain mutual respect, fairness, and impartiality in interactions with other countries. It is truly ridiculous for the United States to speak in such a way now that it is seeking help from China.

Nowadays, China's semiconductor development cannot rely solely on the United States and Western countries, and can only rely on itself. Therefore, we should continuously increase investment, and many companies in our country are also very aware of this and are making efforts to try this aspect. Once we achieve a major breakthrough in this field one day, there will be no place for the United States and the West to manipulate our country.

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