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The production cost of iPhone 15Pro is $523? The cost of the entire system has increased; Users complain that their phone is "too hot to hold" and the screen burns severely

Tech 2023-10-19 02:26:32 Source: Network

According to foreign media reports, the material cost of Apple's iPhone 15 ProMax is 558 US dollars (currently about 4079 RMB), with component costs accounting for 47%, which is 12% higher than the iPhone 14 ProMax.This disassembly report was obtained by Fomalhaut TechnoSolutions in Japan, which believes that the screen cost of the iPhone 15 ProMax is 10% higher than the previous generation, the titanium frame cost is 43% higher, and the cost of the A17Pro chip is 27% higher than that of the A16Bionic; The price of telephoto cameras and their prism systems is also 3

According to foreign media reports, the material cost of Apple's iPhone 15 ProMax is 558 US dollars (currently about 4079 RMB), with component costs accounting for 47%, which is 12% higher than the iPhone 14 ProMax.

This disassembly report was obtained by Fomalhaut TechnoSolutions in Japan, which believes that the screen cost of the iPhone 15 ProMax is 10% higher than the previous generation, the titanium frame cost is 43% higher, and the cost of the A17Pro chip is 27% higher than that of the A16Bionic; The price of telephoto cameras and their prism systems is also 3.8 times higher than its predecessor.

Other models in the iPhone 15 series are equally expensive, with the production cost of the iPhone 15 Pro at $523, an 8% increase from the same period last year. The price of the iPhone 15Plus is $442, which is about 10% higher than the iPhone 14Plus; IPhone 15 is considered to have the greatest cost change, with a bill of materials of $423, which is approximately 16% more expensive than iPhone 14.

In addition, as more and more users receive Apple's iPhone 15 series models, related usage issues are gradually exposed. According to First Financial, there are many complaints from users about the overheating of the new iPhone 15Pro and ProMax models, and some users claim on the official community forum of Apple iPhone that the titanium metal shell is too hot to grip.

There are also user complaints about Apple's iPhone 15Pro series overheating on social media platforms X and Reddit. On the Apple forum, someone also posted that the thermometer next to the phone showed a temperature of 44 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, according to reports from multiple foreign technology media, users have discovered a very serious screen burning issue after using the iPhone 15 ProMax for a period of time. Foreign iPhone 15 ProMax users have found that the image of the home screen application is imprinted on the display screen.

Guo Minghui, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, pointed out that the overheating problem of the iPhone 15Pro series is not related to TSMC's 3-nanometer chip manufacturing process. He said that the overheating problem is likely a compromise made by Apple to design the cooling system for the lighter weight of the phone, such as reducing the cooling area and using titanium alloy to affect the cooling effect.

Guo Mingqian believes that Apple may solve this problem through software updates, but unless it is through reducing processor performance, the improvement in cooling effect may be limited. He also stated that if the heat dissipation issue is not resolved, it may affect the sales of iPhonePro.

New Media Editor: He Yingxi

First instance: He Yingxi Second instance: Zheng Yangbo Third instance: Zhou Qi

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