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Alibaba Entertainment CTO Zheng Yong: Innovating Technology to Build AIGC Capabilities Suitable for China's Film and Television Industry

Tech 2023-06-12 11:16:53 Source: Network

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] "Generative AI is subverting the digital entertainment industry. With the advent of ChatGPT at the beginning of this year, the entire content industry will also usher in great changes

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] "Generative AI is subverting the digital entertainment industry. With the advent of ChatGPT at the beginning of this year, the entire content industry will also usher in great changes." On June 11, at the Intelligent Media Forum of the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference, Zheng Yong, CTO of Alibaba Media, said that he will promote the deep integration of AIGC and film and television, innovate technology, and create AIGC capabilities suitable for China's film and television industry.

Looking back at the development history of film and television, from sound films to color films, from special effects films to films shot in AR, VR and other forms today, every change is closely related to technological leaps. In the national "14th Five Year Plan", the goal of promoting the prosperity of the cultural industry and empowering the development of the industry through technological innovation, as well as optimizing and restructuring the content production technology system, is also proposed. Zheng Yong stated that Alibaba Entertainment is participating in the digital upgrading of China's film and television industry through layout, frame sharing, digital production and other technologies.

On the forum, through a presentation of a 3D virtual shooting short film, Zheng Yong introduced that the frame sharing digital production has achieved full automatic calibration of 3D virtual shooting, allowing real-time tracking of the virtual background in the screen and the real image in front of the screen, improving the efficiency of image space and color calibration by 30%. In addition, the widespread application of 3D virtual photography relies heavily on the precipitation and reuse of digital assets. Currently, the introduction of AI capabilities to assist in the production of frame sharing has increased the efficiency of digital asset production by three times.

"With faster asset production and precipitation capacity, we can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and make the application of 3D virtual photography possible." Zheng Yong said that at present, the screen materials in Frameshare 3D virtual photography can be adjusted in real time on site, ranging from floating space stations to a cloud, and the location, angle, color and other effects can be adjusted according to the needs of the director, so that the director can play his creativity on site; In this environment, it also helps actors enhance their sense of immersion and belief, completely different from the past where they perform through imagination in front of the green screen.

In addition, frame 2D digital assets have been deposited for more than 10000 hours, including street scenes, landmark buildings, Natural landscape, snow scenes, seashore and other difficult environments. Compared to traditional green screen shooting, the 2D virtual shooting solution can save over 50% in window view costs; the shooting efficiency of car scenes can be improved from 4 pages of script per day to 7 pages per day, with an efficiency increase of over 70%

Zheng Yong revealed that Alibaba Entertainment's first ultra realistic digital character, "Lili," will also play a role in the next series of Youku, marking the first time a digital character has appeared in a film or television series. As a virtual idol that has achieved film and television level accuracy, "Lili" has collaborated with multiple brands such as Intel, MLB, and Tmall through endorsements, live broadcasts, and digital collectibles. Not long ago, "Li Li" also launched cross dimensional linkage in the animated film "The Journey of Bell and Sprout", providing an innovative marketing model for film promotion.

AI not only improves the production efficiency of the entertainment industry, but also allows creators to invest more energy in content creativity and polishing. "Alibaba Entertainment will continue to explore the 'opening methods' of cutting-edge technology in the entertainment industry, playing a role in the emergence of more high-quality works, and better presenting art to people," Zheng Yong said.

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Tag: Alibaba Entertainment CTO Zheng Yong Innovating Technology to Build

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