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The video version of Midjournal has evolved again: generating videos in just one sentence, Google injecting capital, and netizens exclaiming that Hollywood is dead!

Tech 2023-06-17 11:35:51 Source: Network

When it comes to foreign generative AI models, there are ChatGPT in the field of text generation and Midjournal and StableDiffusion in the field of image generation. So what is the field of video generation?Many people are the first to think of Runway's Gen-1

When it comes to foreign generative AI models, there are ChatGPT in the field of text generation and Midjournal and StableDiffusion in the field of image generation. So what is the field of video generation?

Many people are the first to think of Runway's Gen-1.

Gen-1 is Runway's first text generated video AI model launched in February this year. However, just a few days ago, its iterative version Gen-2 was officially released.

Prior to this, Gen-2 had undergone small-scale testing for a period of time starting from late March.

Although Kelsey Rondenet, a spokesperson for Runway at the time, said that Gen-2 would be open to everyone in the coming weeks, it wasn't until June that this promise was truly fulfilled.

So where has Gen-2, which has been constantly emerging, evolved to?

Real video generation from scratch

When releasing Gen-1, Runway specifically created a webpage to explain how Gen-1 can be used, which mainly includes the following 5 functions:

-Enter a picture prompt to make the original video the style you want;

-Upload a video+a prompt word to generate the video you want (such as turning a Labrador into a spotted dog);

-Input images or prompt words to make a video draft that has only been 3D modeled complete;

-Upload a randomly captured video and automatically generate a storytelling clip (such as a randomly placed book that ends up in a high-rise building);

-On the basis of the original video, customize the video style you want more freely (even if you create a strange creature that doesn't exist in reality).

No, the prerequisite for using Gen-1 is to have a ready-made video first.To put it bluntly, the role of Gen-1 is actually equivalent to adding a more advanced filter to the original video.


From the introduction, Gen-2 has three more powerful features than Gen-1:

-Text to video: Simply input a prompt word to generate a video;

-Text and images to video: Input an image and a prompt word to make the image move;


If Gen-1 can only be used as a tool for modifying videos at best, then Gen-2 can almost be used as a video production tool




What's the origin of Runway?




Stable DiffusionRunway.

Stable DiffusionStability AIStability AIStable Diffusion10Stable Diffusion.

Stable DiffusionRunway.

RunwayStable Diffusion.

RunwayStable Diffusion v1.5Stability AIRunway.


Stable DiffusionRunwayGen-1D12.


Netizen: Hollywood isdead


Under the official promotion of Gen-2 on Runway, some ordinary users' voices of "seeking tutorials" appeared:



Monster of the sea48.







Can it really replace Hollywood?






Assuming that one day Gen-N matures enough to generate perfect lenses that can be used directly?









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Tag: The video version of Midjournal has evolved again generating

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