Why are people no longer mentioning 5G? Netizen: There used to be 4G here, but now there's not even 2G left
Some people call the 5G of the operator the new outfit of the 21st century emperor, why?A netizen roast that before 5G, he often went on business trips in the west, and there were 4G signals everywhere. After 5G, there was no 2G signal in the same place...
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2023-07-13 10:13:55
What does Huawei think when 4G phones sell for 8000 yuan?
This year, Huawei's domestically produced high-end mobile phones are the most expensive, priced at twofive6GB. The P60Pro is priced at 6988 yuan, while the OPPOFindX6Pro and Xiaomi onethreeUltra, both positioned similarly, are priced at less than 6000 yuan...
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2023-06-08 04:59:30