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Microsoft Announces Cloud Native Application Platform radius

Tech 2023-10-19 16:09:33 Source: Network

On October 19th, the Microsoft Azure incubation team announced the launch of the cloud native application platform radius, which can help developers and businesses create, deploy, and manage cloud based applications.It is reported that radius is an open source project that supports deploying applications across private clouds, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services, and will support more cloud providers in the future

On October 19th, the Microsoft Azure incubation team announced the launch of the cloud native application platform radius, which can help developers and businesses create, deploy, and manage cloud based applications.

It is reported that radius is an open source project that supports deploying applications across private clouds, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services, and will support more cloud providers in the future.

Microsoft stated that radius aims to adapt to, rather than disrupt, existing development tasks and CI/CD pipelines, and is committed to helping developers better understand all the components that make up their applications and handle platform configurations such as permissions and connection strings to simplify their tasks. Therefore, operators can ensure that all application deployments comply with organizational policies, and then use radius to manage applications and their resources.

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